
Thursday, March 31, 2011

what if you were a billionaire

I would be going to get over 2 super cars and a mansion, even a dolphin in my pool and collect the whole collection of Gears of War and I’ll go see Chris Brown. But the best thing I would do is go to New York, and I would get 200 Spartans and El Berto Del Rio and the great Khali and fight the people that want to fight my army and defeat them. I’ll make a war with Nezinli’s army and defeat him in his wealthy trials that he may set up, then get the navy, over 200,000,000,and ill get Ip man and beat Nez with Terminator, Superman, Batman, Spider man, and Ryu, akuma and Ken. If they were real. Then I would get Goku for the day


  1. Hi Stevie

    You have a great imagination and I like the way you used this thinker key (What if? key). I thought your ideas were amazing and showed that you were thinking outside of the box.

  2. Wow! Stevie, well if I was a billionaire I'll give halve to Japan and Christ Church And the rest I'll by Mac Donlned for my freinds and family.
    Keep up the good work Stevie.
    From Unaloto


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